High School Sweethearts: What Percentage Stay Together?

What Percentage of High School Relationships Last?

Stanley Parker
2 min readJul 1, 2024

High school relationships can be intense and memorable. But do they last? This article dives into the data, providing a clear answer to the question: “What percentage of high school relationships last?”

What Percentage of High School Relationships Last

High School Relationships: An Overview

High school is a time of growth and change. Teens experience many firsts, including first loves. These relationships often feel very strong and important. But as life moves forward, things change.

The Reality of High School Relationships

Statistics show that most high school relationships do not last. According to a study, only about 2% of high school sweethearts end up getting married. That means 98% of these relationships do not make it to marriage.

Why Do Most High School Relationships End?

Several reasons explain why high school relationships often don’t last:

1. Change in Priorities:

As teens grow, their priorities change. What was important in high school may not be as important in college or adulthood.



Stanley Parker

Exploring the intricate tapestry of human relationships, delving into the depths of psychology, and reflecting on the societal norms that shape us.